Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gwayi Valley of Zimbabwe

The Gwayi Valley of Zimbabwe has had enormous amounts of poaching throughout the region, with an estimated 80% of all species of animals in National Parks have been killed in the past three years. Anti-poaching patrols have been set up previously, but are being overwhelmed by the rising amount of poachers. Every day, snares and traps are found by rangers with animals who have been suffocated, or trapped and starved to death. This poaching is caused by the surrounding villages of National Parks who are rapidly running out of food, and are forced to hunt in game reserves. Endangered animals have already been entirely wiped out, such as the African Wild Dog. With the economic collapse a looming threat to Zimbabwe, we should attempt to help one of the most precious resources- the animals. For more information, please visit and see how you can help. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for your time.

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